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Comments on make: How to compile all files in a directory.


make: How to compile all files in a directory.


I am learning how to write makefile to compile a c program. I have a directory structure like this:

├── include
│   └── library.h
├── lib
│   └── library.c
├── makefile
└── obj

My makefile has this content:


$(DIR_OBJ)/library.o: $(DIR_LIB)/library.c $(DIR_INC)/library.h
	 gcc -c -o $@ $<

And it works: library.o gets generated inside obj folder.

Now I want to make it generic so that ALL files inside lib folder get compiled to object files into obj folder, so I replace library with % (because based on my limited/wrong understanding that's how it should work), like so:


$(DIR_OBJ)/%.o: $(DIR_LIB)/%.c $(DIR_INC)/%.h
	gcc -c -o $@ $<

but I get this error:

make: *** No targets.  Stop.

I find this Q/A: Based on that I add all: target, so my makefile looks like this now:


all: $(DIR_OBJ)/%.o

$(DIR_OBJ)/%.o: $(DIR_LIB)/%.c $(DIR_INC)/%.h
	gcc -c -o $@ $<

And I get this error:

make: *** No rule to make target 'obj/%.o', needed by 'all'.  Stop.

Why am I getting these errors and how do I fix them? My goal is to compile all *.c files inside lib directory into *.o object files into obj directory.

Update 1 (after receiving an answer from mr Tsjolder‭ )

I also tried making use of wildcard but was not successful with it. (I did not mention it earlier because I thought this was not the way to go). For the record, here is the latest makefile I had:


FILES_LIB=$(wildcard $(DIR_LIB)/*.c)
FILES_OBJ=$(patsubst $(DIR_LIB)/%.c,$(DIR_OBJ)/%.o,$(FILES_LIB))

all: $(FILES_OBJ)
$(DIR_OBJ)/%.o: $(FILES_LIB)/%.c $(DIR_INC)/%.h
	gcc -c -o $@ $<
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1 comment thread

Simple oversight? (3 comments)
Simple oversight?
Karl Knechtel‭ wrote 7 days ago

I think this is simply a "mental typo" or failure to think it through properly. As a hint: you say that your "goal is to compile all *.c files" - notice that you didn't say "all %.c files"? Also, if you're using existing Stack Overflow Q&A to try to solve something, obviously you shouldn't count on the code in the question to be correct, or even to have only a single conceptual problem. You also shouldn't be satisfied if you find a low-scoring question for what sounds like it should be a general problem. When I used a web search for makefile compile all I found

mr Tsjolder‭ wrote 7 days ago

Why the negative undertone? There is no need to project your knowledge or your googlefu on OP. Makefiles can be confusing, especially if you're getting started.

Vanity Slug ❤️‭ wrote 7 days ago · edited 7 days ago

I've been reading almost a dozen tutorials/QAs, watching youtube videos and looking at that lengthy documentation. (I even printed out documentation into a PDF and sent it to my kindle app). Non were saying things which I needed to hear in order for my understanding to click. I was trying to piece together various pieces of information together I found all around the place and until steam started to come out of my ears, which is when I gave up and just asked a question. Like mr Tsjolder said: "Makefiles can be confusing, especially if you're getting started.". This is very true.