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Comments on Etiquette for posting comments
Etiquette for posting comments
This question featured a quite heated discussion in the comments which led to some of them being removed. This action was discussed here and I have realized that our community lacks a guide about posting comments.
I would like for us to build together a list of topics we can include and avoid respectively, in the comments. These lists should stem from our Code of Conduct.
Can include
- requesting clarifications for the author. Examples: "what was the output of line X?", "can you include the stack trace?", "can you provide a reference for the second paragraph?"
- constructive criticism. Example: "why is foo() called twice?"
- +1 or thank you notes, if they also provide a little bit of information. Example: +1. This also worked with version X of the framework Y.
Should be avoided
- +1 or -1 with no explanation
- snarky comments. Example: "Codidact is not your personal assistant"
- references to overall author activity in the community. If you feel a user's activity is an issue, please use flagging instead of comments.
- providing full answers in the comments (they should be added as answers)
- secondary discussions or debates on controversial points (please ask a question on meta).
SO loosely used as a reference
Please provide your suggestions about what is OK and not OK to include in the comments.
Once we have reached a fairly stable answer for this, I will include it in the help topics and use it as a reference for moderation.
Regarding "snark" - it is very hard and subjective to define. Our overall code of conduct says "be nice", but where do y …
4y ago
Proposal: > Can Include > Helpful feedback I'd refrain from restricting the topic of feedback, because there ar …
4y ago
> Should be avoided > > secondary discussions or debates on controversial points (please ask a question on meta). …
4y ago
Proposal: > Can Include > A link to a chat room related to the question or answer. Even if tangentially. I've al …
3y ago
Before posting this on the help pages, I will compile the feedback in a separate answer. Generally speaking, comments …
4y ago
Can Include
- Helpful feedback
I'd refrain from restricting the topic of feedback, because there are many possible topics:
- Clarifying the question
- Explaining why OP would be better served by asking a different question
- Explaining how OP could have found a solution himself
- Explaining why the question is in violation of site rules (the canned close reasons are too broad to achieve this)
- Explaining other reasons why the question is poorly received
I think all of these add value and should be permitted.
In particular, our goal should not be restricted to improving this question so we can write answers for it, but to help OP in becoming a better software engineer. If they are harming themselves by using inappropriate tools, technologies, or approaches, we should speak up.
The name of this website, Codidact, means:
Learning (and teaching) together. “Co”, together (like in “collaborate”), and “didact” from “didactic”, teaching.
Teaching sometimes requires correcting mistakes.
1 comment thread