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Which body supervises country-specific internet associations and what designations it assigned to these? [closed]
Closed as off topic by Alexei on Apr 17, 2021 at 06:32
This question is not within the scope of Software Development.
This question was closed; new answers can no longer be added. Users with the reopen privilege may vote to reopen this question if it has been improved or closed incorrectly.
I am trying to save my question that was deleted from "Webmasters StackExchange" for not being about "a problem in a website" which I published there anonymously ; below is a shortened, directly-into-the-point rephrasing of the question.
I don't know about a worldly internet association, but I do know about country-specific internet associations.
Which body supervises country-specific internet associations and what designations it assigned to these?
A possible answer might include
A global internet association by the name X:
- Standardizes infrastructure requirements
- Recognizes certificate country-specific internet associations
Country-specific got the following designations by the former
- To set, supervise and maintain infrastructure
- To certificate ISPs in a given country
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