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Welcome to Software Development on Codidact!

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Edit Post #291024 Initial revision about 1 year ago
Answer A: What guarantees does Bash make about order of :- Parameter Expansion when it is not in POSIX mode?
> The documentation seems to me to hint that WORD will be expanded whether I want it to be, or not. I don't agree, because as quoted: > (1) If PARAMETER is unset or null, the expansion of WORD is substituted. > (2) Otherwise, the value of PARAMETER is substituted. Case 2 is the one at han...
about 1 year ago
Edit Post #287506 Initial revision over 2 years ago
Question Qt Button changes drastically when setting its `border-radius`.
In a Qt application I have nothing more than a window with a button as its direct child. I set its background color and all is fine: ``` Window::Window(QWidget parent) : QWidget(parent) { button1 = new QPushButton(this); button1->setText("1234"); button1->setStyleSheet("{backg...
over 2 years ago
Edit Post #286851 Initial revision over 2 years ago
Answer A: How to manage user-specific application data on Linux?
Indeed, the `$HOME/.application-name` is the old way. Doing that nowadays is frowned upon (this is an example of what happens if you try), mostly because, as you said, it clutters the home directory. Instead, stick to the XDG Base Directory Specification. The most important points are: > - Ther...
over 2 years ago
Edit Post #286837 Post edited:
Mention "--theirs"; Fix unadequate syntax highlighting
over 2 years ago
Edit Post #286835 Post edited:
Fix unadequate syntax highlighting
over 2 years ago
Edit Post #286837 Initial revision over 2 years ago
Answer A: Keep local branch changes to resolve all remaining conflicts in a merge
```none git checkout --ours -- ``` `--theirs` would do the opposite, i.e. keep the changes from `branch-y`. Don't forget to `git add` later!
over 2 years ago
Edit Post #286835 Initial revision over 2 years ago
Question Keep local branch changes to resolve all remaining conflicts in a merge
On branch-x, I do ```none git merge branch-y ``` Now there are some conflicts, and `git status` shows ```none Changes to be committed: new file: a new file: b Unmerged paths: (use "git add ..." to mark resolution) both added: w both modified:...
over 2 years ago
Edit Post #286574 Initial revision almost 3 years ago
Answer A: Vim: how to search for all instances of a string, except for those that are between two specific strings
Alternating between the two patterns seems to work! \(abc.\)\@<!bird\|bird\(.xyz\)\@! As a bonus, you can enable the very magic mode with `\v` to avoid backslashes! The resulting expression is equivalent but easier to type. \v(abc.)@<!bird|bird(.xyz)@! For reference: `:help /bar` ...
almost 3 years ago
Comment Post #285116 Pretty sure single sign on providers serve tracking elements, which afflict even those who don't use them (correct if I'm wrong). Not something I'd like to see in Codidact. I'm quite happy I never ever see a sign of Facebook/Google/Github buttons around here. It gives me confidence this is unspoiled ...
almost 3 years ago
Comment Post #285578 That won't work. `tail -f` is just another continuously outputting command; From Vim's perspective it is none the better.
about 3 years ago
Comment Post #285399 Software Codidact being still a low-traffic community has an upside: Any new question will get more attention than at Stack Overflow, where each new question is just a tiny particle that gets flooded away in a minute. This is reflected on 1. voting: Most questions get at least three votes here...
about 3 years ago
Comment Post #284413 @#8176 That link seems to be dead but is up (yet). Not that I see a reason why OP should use such a thing when there are time-tested and reliable alternatives such as Gnuplot — not to say I have anything against Koolplot, but caution should be exercised when using ...
over 3 years ago
Comment Post #284378 Hmm, I flagged that question too for that reason, I'm not sure if before or after this Meta post. Thanks for it.
over 3 years ago
Comment Post #283558 @#53511 Well noted. Though, also to note, is that text-files are required to always have end in a newline character in Unix systems.
over 3 years ago
Comment Post #283867 Can you expand on how C figures out the bitness of the system?
over 3 years ago
Comment Post #283876 Hmm, I see, but what role does "console" play here? What about `linewise-read`? We could keep a separate tag for `stdin` and use both when relevant.
over 3 years ago
Edit Post #283830 Initial revision over 3 years ago
Question console.readline tag does not look good to me
The console.readline tag has been created for Q: How to read lines into an array in Bash, which uses a `while read` loop. That tag is inappropriate because Readline, the console and the `read` built-in are mostly unrelated concepts, and only the latter is part of the question. Please consider ...
over 3 years ago
Edit Post #281148 Post edited:
Move this important comment here to the question.
over 3 years ago
Suggested Edit Post #281148 Suggested edit:
Move this important comment here to the question.
helpful over 3 years ago
Edit Post #283558 Initial revision over 3 years ago
Answer A: How to read lines into an array in Bash
1st issue As others have said, `echo "$array"` only prints the first element of the array; I suggest printf '%s\n' "${array[@]}" to print each element on a line. 2nd issue More importantly, the loop is partially incorrect. Consider this file: ``` pear yellow apple \\ red ...
over 3 years ago
Comment Post #281565 Also, the fact that some members actually answer do-my-work-for-free questions (usually, I guess, to earn points) encourages more of them. Perhaps we should have earned points awarded by answering a question regarded as task dump by the community taken back.
almost 4 years ago
Comment Post #281474 Does that mean in the portable C world there is no space for the primitive types anymore (not only `int` and `long`)? My impression is that this rarely gets a mention in introduction courses, which is a shame then. Thank you, very instructive answer.
almost 4 years ago
Comment Post #281464 Thanks for letting me know. That explains why I could find nothing in the documentation.
almost 4 years ago
Edit Post #281464 Initial revision almost 4 years ago
Question Warn of implicit cast in a function's arguments with GCC?
In the C program below, I make a mistake and call the function with `(ld, ld)` instead of `(d, ld)`. ```c #include #include void printintlong(int n, long l){ printf("%+d %+ld\n", n, l); } int main(){ int d = 0; long ld = INTMAX + 1L; printintlong(ld, ld); retu...
almost 4 years ago