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Activity for mr Tsjolder‭

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Comment Post #292774 Why the negative undertone? There is no need to project your knowledge or your googlefu on OP. Makefiles can be confusing, especially if you're getting started.
6 months ago
Edit Post #292777 Initial revision 6 months ago
Answer A: make: How to compile all files in a directory.
Each rule in the Makefile represents a single target. This means that your first makefile has a single target: `obj/library.o`. I guess that if there is only one target, `make` assumes that this is the target you want to build and does not require targets to be provided by the command line. As a resu...
6 months ago
Edit Post #292770 Post edited:
6 months ago
Edit Post #292770 Initial revision 6 months ago
Answer A: How to mock methods like `pathlib.Path.is_dir`?
It turns out that this is exactly what autospeccing is for. Using ```python from pathlib import Path from unittest import mock somepath = Path("/some/path/") with mock.patch("pathlib.Path.isdir", autospec=True) as misdir: misdir.sideeffect = lambda p: == "" print(Path.isdir(so...
6 months ago
Edit Post #292760 Initial revision 6 months ago
Question How to mock methods like `pathlib.Path.is_dir`?
I used to have some testing code for mocking a simple directory structure when working with `pathlib`. I recently tried to run these tests to learn that some of the internals in `pathlib` have changed in recent Python versions, breaking my mocking setup. I managed to resolve some of the issues alread...
6 months ago
Comment Post #291931 This answer is missing one of the main reasons in the context of [OOP]( indicating that a method (and therefore its class) is abstract.
9 months ago
Comment Post #291611 I would argue that the ambiguity of the term "package" is a problem with Python rather than with this question. I could not imagine someone asking this kind of question to actually know about the ambiguity of "package".
10 months ago
Comment Post #291611 I must admit that I shortly forgot about that, but it could be that the OP is actually using a Python version < 3.3 and is therefore having problems...
10 months ago
Comment Post #291606 Although Python is not necessarily an efficiency-oriented language, it might be useful to point out that this approach is probably not as efficient as a bisection algorithm.
10 months ago
Comment Post #291609 I believe the answer would depend on the kind of setup that you are using for managing your environment. Are you using a system-level installation of python, virtual environments, conda/mamba or something else entirely?
10 months ago
Comment Post #291611 Is adding a(n empty) `` file in each subdirectory considered to be too much overhead? After all, this is the only thing necessary to make Python interpret a directory as a [Python package](
10 months ago
Comment Post #291310 Are you saying that using pointers is just fine and custom iterators are only useful if iteration becomes more complex?
11 months ago
Edit Post #291310 Initial revision 11 months ago
Question When to use custom iterators versus pointers
I am working on a toy project where I have a container for which I would like to write an iterator that iterates over the values in the container. Because the values are stored in a (c-style) array, this would look something like this: ```c++ class MyClass { int data[10] {}; public: class M...
11 months ago
Edit Post #289919 Initial revision over 1 year ago
Answer A: How to overwrite lines of STDOUT in Python?
You can use the carriage return control character `"\r"` to return to the beginning of the line and overwrite text. When using the `print` function you additionally have to make sure not to write the line feed control character (`"\n"`) is not printed. The easiest way to achieve this is probably to...
over 1 year ago
Edit Post #289892 Initial revision over 1 year ago
Answer A: Regex for simplifying Amazon product URLs
The following expression should capture the `{dp|gp}/$ID` part: ```plaintext https://www\.amazon\.com/([gd]p/[A-z0-9]{10}) ``` A quick explanation: - the `\.` are there to match periods only (otherwise it would match any symbol), - `[gd]p` matches either `gp` or `dp`, - `[A-z0-9]{10}` ...
over 1 year ago
Comment Post #289700 The problem is that it does not really make sense to write an answer about `BitSet` in this general context, since e.g. Python does not really have a data structure like that. This is probably also the reason why I assumed this was a Python and not a Java question. My point is that by abstracting ...
over 1 year ago
Comment Post #289625 Roughly speaking, tensorflow-graph is tensorflow-v1 and tensorflow-eager is tensorflow-v2. I don't think these tags would be that useful. Especially since there are generally not that much tensorflow questions thus far.
over 1 year ago
Comment Post #289251 I definitely agree that showing non-working attempts is generally a good thing. I do feel that the non-working attempts should be conceivable from the standpoint of someone who could have this question, however. I just can't imagine that someone would think about tuples in this kind of scenario.
over 1 year ago
Comment Post #289700 First of all, I hope it is clear that I did not intend to "attack" your question. I just found the topicality documentation a little ambiguous about this kind of question. To me, software design/architecture/modelling is one level above the actual algorithm/data structure considerations. On a soft...
over 1 year ago
Comment Post #289694 I have no problem with the language-agnostic tag. I think my main issue is that this question feels like it originated from Python and was then artificially generalised to cover all languages (or all languages with a data structure for sets that is implemented by a hashtable). In the end, this questi...
over 1 year ago
Edit Post #289694 Initial revision over 1 year ago
Question Are questions about (abstract) algorithms and datastructures considered on-topic?
I just noticed this question about data structures in the Q&A. Although algorithms and data structures are often (part of) a solution to a problem when writing software, this question is constructed in a way that aims to leave out the software part entirely. Especially, because I have a strong feel...
over 1 year ago
Edit Post #289693 Initial revision over 1 year ago
Answer A: Should self-answered Q&A use separate answers for different techniques/approaches (even if there's a caveat that applies overall)?
I believe one of the main strengths of Q&A websites is that they provide a more digestible alternative to dense documentation. Especially for programmers who do not yet know how to find/use the documentation for the language that they are working with. The answer (and even the question [^1]) is/ar...
over 1 year ago
Comment Post #289251 I agree with @#53398 that this question comes over as too artificial. In the list you linked in the answer to the meta question, you list these top questions. One common aspect of these questions seems to be that they have very short and simple question statements. These questions are popular because...
over 1 year ago
Comment Post #289691 This question is about datastructures in an abstract sense, which makes this more of a computer science than a programming question in my opinion. Is this really on-topic here?
over 1 year ago
Edit Post #289657 Initial revision over 1 year ago
Answer A: Best practices to write functions for both execution modes in Tensorflow, eager and graph mode
Tensorflow functions should typically work on both eager and graph tensors. This means that you can just use the following implementation: ```python def lintodb(x: float | tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor: """ convert signal to noise ratio (SNR) from linear to dB """ return 10. tf.math.log(x) / ...
over 1 year ago
Comment Post #289613 Of course! I forgot to execute the JITted function multiple times during my quick testing. Would it be feasible to split your function into different parts so that you could do the benchmarking outside of the JITted code?
over 1 year ago
Edit Post #289633 Post edited:
add warning about expecting program to exit fast.
over 1 year ago
Comment Post #289633 1. that depends on what style of programming you wan't to use, but Python typically favours [EAFP]( 2. This is indeed an important detail that I forgot to mention (although it is indicated documentation I linked to): this assumes that the clean-up co...
over 1 year ago
Edit Post #289633 Initial revision over 1 year ago
Answer A: Listen for key events in a CLI app
First of all, the standard keystroke for interrupting a CLI program would be `ctrl + C` or whatever the windows equivalent is. Therefore, you will get the most consistent user experience if you use this standard keystroke for interrupting the program (rather than something custom like space). One...
over 1 year ago
Comment Post #289605 also, what is wrong with the obvious `ctrl + C` solution? It does not require any code and is pretty standard for people working with the CLI.
over 1 year ago
Comment Post #289613 Is there any reason why you can't use `time.time()` from the `time` package?
over 1 year ago
Comment Post #289625 tensorflow functions should work both on eager and graph tensors. I just tried `10. * tf.math.log(x) / tf.math.log(10.)` and it worked in both settings. Similarly, you could use `tf.cast(x, dtype=tf.int64)` for the casting function (unless there is a specific reason why you would not want graph tens...
over 1 year ago
Edit Post #289503 Initial revision over 1 year ago
Answer A: How can I properly type-hint methods in different files that would lead to circular imports?
I eventually also found out that the `typing` module has a global variable `TYPECHECKING` that can be used to only import during type-checking. Concretely, the following code for `` seems to type-check fine as well. ```python from typing import TYPECHECKING if TYPECHECKING: from ...
over 1 year ago
Edit Post #289455 Initial revision over 1 year ago
Question How can I properly type-hint methods in different files that would lead to circular imports?
I am writing a Python package where I have two classes in different files that (indirectly) depend on each other. If I wouldn't care about type-hints, there would be no problem, but unfortunately, I do like static type-hinting. Therefore, I need one class for typing the methods of the other and vic...
over 1 year ago
Edit Post #289399 Initial revision over 1 year ago
Answer A: How to resolve a "ValueError: dimension 't' already exists as a scalar variable" arising when I am using xarray.Dataset.assign_coords()?
It seems like what you want to do can be achieved by using ```python data.assigncoords(t=[0.123]) ``` The error message is extremely confusing in this respect, but it seems like the new value for the coordinate must have the same shape as the original coordinate value. In this case, `
over 1 year ago
Edit Post #289339 Initial revision over 1 year ago
Answer A: Readable syntax for executing many callables with useful side effects
The `map` operation is a typical concept from the functional programming paradigm. However, side-effects are a typical example of something that does not fit functional programming well. As a result, `map` is probably not what you want to use. As an alternative, you can just use the `apply` meth...
over 1 year ago